Tag Archives: butterfly

As You Give You Will Receive

Lately I am recognizing the wisdom the Course is lacing into my life, slowly and unassuming like a pair of simple yet stylish high top Converse sneakers. Until recent years, I would not have described myself as woman of faith. Although I had dabbled with the idea of God throughout my life, I struggled with the iconic version of the bearded white man passing judgement up in the clouds above. Now that I have reconciled what God actually is,  I can see how my life has transformed from the roots up into such a beautiful more loving experience.


Julie and I talk every week via FaceTime to review our weekly lessons. As I look back over the past 9 months since we began studying A Course in Miracles together in January, I am in awe of the evolution that has occurred in our lives.

Perhaps life would have taken us on this twirly whirly ride regardless of our studies. That said, I can say with confidence that we have both overcome our obstacles this year with more confidence, less fear and and certainly more grace.

We have both experienced significant personal transformations, not unlike the butterfly. Sometimes I wonder what a caterpillar thinks of those butterflies whirling around him; does he long for the day that he believes will never come where he too can experience such freedom or does the idea of such freedom terrify the little caterpillar? Our karma is our karma after all, no matter how we feel about it.


Lesson 126 – All that I give is given to myself

This lesson is an affirmation of why I study ACIM day in and day out. Our minds are filled by worries and fears that pollute our intentions and contaminate our relationships. As we dive deeply into the rabbit hole deep truths emerge and accepting that only love is real is a critical foundation for navigating the steep drop down the tunnel.

As the lesson states, “…we try to understand the truth that giver and receiver are the same“.

This is so wise. This lesson has manifested itself into my life lately and I am reminded time and time again that bringing fear to the table will alway add more fear. I think of it like this:

When I am mad at you, I feel angry.
When I am frustrated with you, I feel frustrated.
When I am proud of you, I feel a sense of pride.
When I make the effort to be patient, a calm sense of peace resides in me.
When I feel loving towards you, my heart is full of love.
When I am generous towards you, I live in the flow of abundance.
And so it goes with each and every emotion, reaction and response.

I am so grateful that ACIM came to me and that I have such a bright light in Julie to share the journey. Namaste _/|\_ Lisa BlomLisa_HB_Teachers

Blazing Light of Glory, is a co-created and cooperative writing, studying, and teaching effort of Lisa of BloomLisa and Julianne Victoria of Through the Peacock’s Eyes.